Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up Funding
Year 7 Catch Up Funding was introduced in 2013 and this provides schools with additional funding to support Year 7 pupils who did not reach the expected standard at the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6) in either English or Maths. The funding aims to provide the best opportunities for students to catch up with other students in their year group, assisting them in reaching this expected standard.
During each academic year, the school will receive a government grant which will be spent on a variety of different interventions to ensure that this selection of Year 7 students improve their knowledge and understanding of literacy and numeracy.
At the start of school in September, following CAT assessments and a detailed analysis of Key Stage 2 information, students are targeted for a variety of literacy and numeracy interventions which are outlined below.
Literacy Interventions
- Employment of an English Mentor – this member of staff supports students by undertaking small group work sessions at various points during the school week. These sessions take place in the Learning Resource Centre and are an extra to the English lessons that students receive within the curriculum
- Library Sessions – all Year 7 students have an allocated English lesson where they have access to the Learning Resource Centre to read and exchange books. These lessons are supported by the school librarian in addition to the class teacher, as well as any teaching assistants allocated to classes. The aim of these sessions are to inform students where to go to have access to books, as well as helping to foster a love of reading among students which will help to improve literacy levels
- DEAR Time – DEAR Time and the Accelerated Reader Programme were introduced into the curriculum for Year 7 students in September 2016. Students read for 15 minutes per day during curriculum time to improve their literacy levels. Once they have read their book, students undertake an online test with the results used to direct them to an appropriate, challenging book to further develop their literacy
- Cross Phase Moderation – Year 6 teachers from our feeder primary schools meet with the Transition Lead and Literacy Co-ordinator during the academic year to compare English assessments, identify generic, key areas for improvement among students and ensure that there is a strong link between the Year 6 and Year 7 curriculum
Numeracy Interventions
- Employment of a Maths Mentor – this member of staff support students by undertaking small group work sessions at various points during the school week. These sessions are an extra to the Maths lessons that students receive within the curriculum.
- Cross Phase Moderation – Year 6 teachers from our feeder primary schools meet with the Transition Lead and the Director of Learning for Maths during the academic year to compare Maths assessments, identify generic, key areas for improvement among students and ensure that there is a link between the Year 6 and Year 7 curriculum
- MyMaths – we use MyMaths across all abilities in Key Stage 3 and 4. There are a number of useful booster packs aimed at Levels 3 and 4 to promote catch up to age related levels
General Interventions
- Transition Programme – In addition to specific interventions at Christ the King CVA we recognise the importance of a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary school. Students are visited at their primary school (feeder schools) where they are interviewed by their future Achievement Leader or the Assistant Principal with responsibility for transition. Students then have a two day transition event at Christ the King CVA where they experience two days of lessons, following the normal school timetable. Furthermore, pupils with anxiety about moving schools or a Special Educational Need receive an individualised transition programme with a number of different visits scheduled prior to them starting in September.