This week, our Sixth Form has organized several fundraising activities for Children in Need! Here’s what to expect –
All Week – You can join H Elen’s “Guess the Number of Sweets in the Jar” game.
Monday – W Bernadette are hosting “Find the Pudseys” – how many will you find?
Wednesday – C Thomas is running a bake sale, so remember to bring cash! Donations of baked goods are welcome (we know it’s short notice!).
Thursday – L Dymphna is hosting a Staff vs. Student Penalty Shootout!
Friday – Non-Uniform Day! Please bring cash donations, and don’t miss I William’s “Soak the Teacher” event.
Thank you to our Head Student Niamh for collating the below information.
The definition of mental health is ‘a person’s overall state of psychological and emotional wellbeing’. Mental health, just like physical health, can be positive or negative.
Mental health is incredibly important, this is because it can have an effect on how we think, feel and act as well as respond to stressful situations and difficult times.
Having negative mental health is not an indication that something is wrong with you, nor is it something to be ashamed of. It can sometimes feel difficult to reach out to people, but it shouldn’t be, there are many people that you can talk to and seek advice from, such as teachers, family members and friends. Reaching out when you feel like you would benefit from help is one of the most important steps you can take.
These resources are for varying topics of mental health, but, are accessible for everyone. Nobody’s problems are ‘insignificant’ or ‘not bad enough’. Everyone will have fluctuations in their mental health, and this is not something to be scared or stressed about. It is just important to make sure that you are safe, mentally healthy and not overwhelmed.
School Counsellor
If you feel like you could benefit from intervention, there is a counsellor within school. Speak to a trusted teacher about how you are feeling and if you would like to join the waiting list for the school counsellor and take the first steps to a stronger and more positive mental health.
Kooth – (
Kooth is a free, digital and anonymous mental health service which offers young people support and digital counseling (through either messages or a live chat function).
YoungMinds – (
YoungMinds is a charity that offers advice and guidance to young people, parents/carers and teachers, this is done via online resources such as videos and articles. They offer advice and support on numerous different topics and issues.
Wellness in Nottingham – (
Wellness in Nottingham offers free support for residents of Nottingham, including online chat functions and phone calls. This service is available to everyone. It also contains many resources for self-help.
Samaritans – (
The Samaritans are a national charity that can be phoned anonymously 24/7 and 365 days a year. No trouble is too small to phone them and they will help with whatever you are going through.
Childline – (
Childline is an organisation that offers support and guidance to young people of all ages through online articles and information, as well as a phone line. They offer help on such issues as bullying, abuse, stress and issues with schooleork.
ChatHealth – (
A chat service which puts you anonymously in contact with a professional in the Nottingham area.
The number for Nottingham is 07507 329952
Beat – (
A mental health organisation that specialises in helping people with eating disorders. This is done by offering helplines, online resources and local help.
CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
CAMHS is the name for the NHS services that assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. A CAMHS referral can be made by teachers, yourself, or your GP. If you want to learn more about CAMHS and the referral process, speak to your GP or a trusted teacher.
CTK Examination Results 2023.
We are very proud of the achievements of our students this year, especially given the disruptions they have faced in their learning over the last few years. They have shown a great commitment to their studies and it has resulted in some fantastic results – well done to them all!
A Level
11% of our students achieved all A*-B grades in their A Levels and the average grade achieved was a C. Well done to the 25% who exceeded their target grades.
We are pleased that those who wanted to go to university have secured their places and we hope that they enjoy the next stages of their education. Some have chosen to take a gap year or to secure employment and we wish them the very best with whatever they have chosen to do next.
70% of our students achieved grades 4 or above in Maths and English
62% of our students achieved at least 5 grades 4 or above including English and Maths.
We look forward to many of them returning to our 6th Form in September.
Enrolment takes place at 8.45am on Wednesday 6th September 2023.
Our annual Celebration of Success was held on the 19th July, celebrating those students who have excelled in subjects all around the school and Sixth Form.
It was also an opportunity to commend those students who have stood out in each year group with the House Award and Headteacher’s Tie Award, alongside commending our Sixth Form students with the CARE Awards and the Outstanding Contribution to Christ the King.
Take a look at the gallery below!
On the 13th July, we held our annual CtK Summer Performance – a night jam packed with talent from Music and Drama. From solo’s to group performances, the talent on display was fantastic and we congratulate all of our students involved in a brilliant evening.
Take a look at our gallery below!