At Christ the King Catholic Voluntary Academy we strongly recognise and celebrate the individuality and diversity of our students. We are committed to working together with all members of our school community and external agencies to ensure our students have the highest quality of education and support.

Every student has an entitlement to a broad, balanced, relevant and accessible curriculum that allows them the opportunity to learn and thrive. We are committed to giving all students every opportunity to achieve the highest standards and help them become more independent and prepared for adulthood  Christ the King is a Catholic mainstream school with faith at the centre of everything we do.

We are proud of our embedded inclusive ethos with high expectations allowing everyone the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We recognise that the quality of teaching within each subject area has the greatest influence over student’s progress. We therefore invest in training, resources and monitoring to ensure our school is an inclusive place for all children to progress.

Our Inclusion…

The inclusion team offers a wide range of support for individual students with Special Educational Needs to help support them socially, emotionally and academically. Provision can vary but is tailored to individual students’ needs.

The provision may include:

  • Support in class across the curriculum.
  • Interventions to support Dyslexia.
  • Interventions to develop numeracy skills.
  • Interventions to develop literacy skills.
  • Interventions aimed at encouraging social and communication skills.
  • Assisting learning areas with adapted resources
  • Break and lunchtime clubs within the Inclusion Centre
  • Inclusive after school clubs
  • Taking part in inclusive sports across Nottinghamshire
  • Adapted timetables with additional access to the Inclusion Centre
  • A sensory room

Inclusion Team

Miss Eddyshaw – Inclusion Manager and Family SENCO

Katie Hoole – Inclusion Admin

Miss Purdie- Lead Teaching Assistant (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Miss Ellington – Lead Teaching Assistant

Miss Rose – Lead Teaching Assistant

Miss Coleman- Pastoral Support Lead (Damascus)

Mr Shilcock – Student Engagement Officer

Mrs Aldred- Teaching Assistant

Mr Brown – Teaching Assistant (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Mrs Holden – Teaching Assistant

Mr Stack – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Harris – Teaching Assistant

Miss Stephenson – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Tobin Storer – Teaching Assistant (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Mrs Trafford – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Cliff – Teaching Assistant

Miss Drummey – Teaching Assistant

Miss Sadler – Teaching Assistant

Miss Boswell – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Daffin – Teaching Assistant (Monday, Tuesday)

Mrs Guddemi- Apprentice Teaching Assistant

At Christ the King we work closely with our primary schools to ensure a smooth transition. We liaise with staff within our primary schools to gather information about your child and the current support they receive. We offer additional transition visits for students who are identified as needing extra support and attend review meetings within the summer term.

Christ the King also offers two full days in July where year 6 students come into school, experience lessons and get to meet other new students

E – An Education, Health and Care plan (EHC) is a legal document which describes a young person’s special educational needs, the support they need, and the outcomes they would like to achieve. An EHC plan looks at all the needs that a young person has within education, health and care. Professionals and the family, including the child or young person, together consider what educational, health and care outcomes they would like to see for the child or young person. The EHC plan identifies what is needed to achieve those outcomes.

The EHC plan does not provide any additional funding to families or schools, nor is the EHC plan any guarantee young people will be given a special school placement.

All mainstream schools in Nottinghamshire have access to additional funding and support, advice and guidance from specialist teams who can support schools to provide the best provision for pupils with SEND.

K – This is where a student is identified as requiring SEND support. This means they need something different from, or additional to, the standard classroom offers. This may include, where appropriate, TA Support, Literacy intervention, keyworker, and access to external support service. A student identified as requiring SEND support additional funding will be sourced depending on the need and level of the young person.

A student that is requiring SEND Support will have SEND reviews each academic term this could take in the form of a meeting, parents evening and a phone call home.

M – The student is identified as having additional needs and this will be supported through quality first teaching within the classroom. This would involve adapted tasks in class, extra time to complete tasks, opportunities to use ICT in a way to record and adaptive approach to behaviour management, and access arrangements.

Progress and needs will be met through the class teacher.

If the student is a K or an E they will have three meetings per academic year with the most appropriate member of the SEND team but please make contact with the team if you have any concerns before the meeting.

If parents have a concern that their child has a special educational need, they can contact their child’s form tutor or achievement leader to share concerns. This will then be discussed with Miss Eddyshaw.

We will also have opportunities throughout the academic year for parent workshops.

We are not able to assess for a formal diagnosis of dyslexia, but if your child is identified as needing extra literacy or dyslexia support, strategies will be implemented by their class teachers to support their needs in lessons. Teaching staff will assess and monitor your child’s progress and identify any concerns. They will then adapt their teaching and refer to the Inclusion Team if required and appropriate support plans will be put in place.

Access arrangements are for pupils with special educational needs, disabilities, or temporary injuries to support them in formal assessments.

Through transition if your child had access arrangements in Primary, this will be part of identifying that your child may need support in assessments and exams, this will be assessed by teachers in school and their need will be based on evidence.

The process for access arrangements is granted under the JCQ GCSE and A’ Level regulations. Students access arrangements are continually reviewed to ensure that they are still appropriate for their needs.

The access arrangements of students in KS3 are monitored and reviewed internally by class teachers and achievement leaders. However, in KS4 students identified as needing access arrangements will be assessed formally by an external assessor.

Evidence required for this assessment will be based on the student’s normal way of working and teacher feedback.

The SEND Local Offer aims to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is a comprehensive guide to services and support all in one place. Please watch this video to find out more