Our Governors

The Local Governing Body is responsible for promoting the vision of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Trust.  


  • To monitor the Catholic Life and Mission of the school 
  • To monitor Performance and Standards 
  • To monitor the School Improvement Plan 
  • To ensure that the well-being of staff and students  
  • To support and challenge the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team 
  • To develop relationships with staff, parents and the community 
  • To ensure arrangements for Safeguarding are fully compliant with statutory requirements 

 The Local Governing Body of Christ the King meet at least six times a year.  

 The members of the Local Governing Body are: 

  • Mr Graham Lea (Chair) 
  • Mrs Oksana Stevenson (Vice Chair)
  • Mrs Serina Dougal 
  • Rev Philipp Ziomek (Foundation Governor) 
  • Rev Joe Wheat (Foundation Governor)
  • Mrs Sophie Byrne (Parent Governor) 

Governor Attendance to Meetings / Business Interests

Links to Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Trust – Governor Articles 


Members and Directors 


Governance Structure 


Statutory Documents