Last term, 57 students in Year 8 went to The Briars for a week where they spent time forming as community, praying, and taking part in activities to enhance their faith.
We continue with our monthly 1st Friday of the month mass, and we had the addition of the Ascension Day last month, so we had a voluntary Mass to celebrate. We have started two lunchtime prayer
groups, Adoration on a Monday, and Lectio Devina on a Thursday from 12:45.
We also said goodbye to our Year 13’s and Year 11’s with leavers liturgies.
This term we look forward to the diocesan Lourdes pilgrimage where we are taking 6 young people from Year 11- 6th form for the first time since 2019. If you have any prayer intentions that you would like us to take to the Grotto, then please contact Lucy or Charles.
We are heading down to Good Shepherd Church on the feast day of St Peter and Paul to celebrate Mass as a whole school – look out for the link to watch online!
Mass and lunchtime prayers will continue through to the end of the year so please keep coming down and spending time in the Chapel.
As we are both full time, either Charles or Lucy will always be in the Chapel, so we encourage you to come and see us anytime. Take care and we hope you have a great final half term!
Lucy & Charles