Cost of Living – How We Can Help
The cost of living crisis is affecting everyone in different ways. We are wanting to support all in our community in whatever ways that we can.
Uniform – if you have any items that your children have outgrown but that is still good quality perhaps you could donate that to school. If you need uniform, then please contact your child’s tutor or Achievement Leader and we will see what we can do to support you with this.
Free School Meals – If your circumstances have changed you may be eligible to claim free school meals for your child. We know that parents are often reluctant to claim this as they are concerned others will know about it but as we operate a cashless system the meal would be claimed in the same way as if it was paid for using the squid account. Please make this claim if you are eligible as it provides access to other types of support that will allow your child to take part in enrichment activities and school trips. To find out if you are eligible please visit
Little Acts of Kindness Fund – Our Trust has set up a fund to offer financial support for families and this fund can be used in a variety of ways. If you would like to find out more about this please look on the Trust website
You can email if you need to make a claim from this fund.