Parent Survey Results
We wanted to say thank you to all who took the time to complete the parental survey last half term. We had 275 responses. We always appreciate you taking the time to provide us with your views as your feedback allows us to identify the areas that you, as parents, feel that we are successful in as well as the areas for further improvement.
We are pleased to know that your children feel safe in school, that you feel that behaviour is good and that students are shown how to behave respectfully towards others. It is also good to hear that you value the Catholic Life and Mission of the school. We were also pleased to see that there have been improvements since the last survey on your responses to the questions about knowing what your children will learn and how well they are doing.
The areas that you have told us that you would like us to improve are related to communication and your involvement in the prayer life of the school. We have just launched the Arbor app which, when you all have access to this, will make communication smoother. We have also recently appointed a second Lay Chaplain to work across our hub who has lots of ideas about how we can involve you in the prayer life of the school so we will be sharing these with you soon.