I hope that you have all had a wonderful Easter break. We are pleased to be welcoming our students back for the final term of this academic year. This is an important term, especially for our Year 11 and Year 13 students, as they work towards their final GCSE and A Level exams. We will continue to do all that we can to support them to reach their full potential. Please do all that you can to ensure that they attend school every day and that they arrive on time.
Please also support them in their preparations by talking to them about the importance of keeping active, eating healthily, ensuring that they get enough sleep and that they find the correct balance of studying and relaxation. We saw through their mock exams that a number of students are growing increasingly anxious about the upcoming exams. It is important that they hear the same messages from us all that we only want them to be doing their best, we cannot ask them to do more than that. I believe that as long as they work well with their teachers and put the effort in by revising independently then they will achieve the success that they deserve.
Jo Love