SEND Afternoon Tea
On Wednesday 8th March 2023 the Inclusion Team will be hosting an afternoon tea for the parents of students who have special educational needs from 2:00pm – 4:15pm.
Feel free to drop in for a cup of tea or a slice of cake and the opportunity to see our SEND department and staff.
At 2:15pm and 3:15pm, Danielle Eddyshaw, our Inclusion Manager, will give a brief overview of the Inclusion Department and the purpose of the afternoon tea which will happen each term. Please email Katie Hoole if you would like to book a place
Starting from Wednesday 1st March, the Inclusion Team will be offering SEND surgeries for parents to discuss any concerns that may have regarding their child having special educational needs. Appointments will be available every Wednesday between 3pm-4:30pm. Please book your initial appointment with Katie Hoole
We are delighted to announce that we have appointed Sarah Purdie and Trudy Carlisle as our Lead Teaching Assistants. They will continue to develop our provision and curriculum in supporting our students with special educational needs.
Following 3 years of hard work, our Year 11’s have successfully been awarded their bronze and silver ASDAN Award and are on track to achieving their gold award. These students will also be part of hosting the afternoon tea.