A-Level & GCSE Certificates are available to collect from reception,
If someone is collecting on your behalf they will need written consent from the student they are collecting for.
Next week, we will be holding a series of Open Morning at CtK, which will provide parents, carers and students the opportunity to see our school at work and see the typical learning experienced by our students.
The open mornings will start at 9.10am and comprise of a tour of the school as well as the opportunity to ask questions and should last approximately one hour.
Our Partner Primary schools are invited to attend their open mornings on the following days –
Holy Cross and St. Margaret Clitherow – Monday 25th September
Sacred Heart – Tuesday 26th September
The Good Shepherd – Wednesday 27th September
We welcome all other primary schools on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September.
To book your space, please contact 0115 9556262.
You can keep up to date with all the latest goings on at Christ the King and our Sixth Form by following us on Social Media!
Sixth Form Instagram
On the 7th – 8th June 2023, The Catholic Schools Inspectorate inspected our school.
Upon completion of the inspection, the Catholic Schools Inspectorate concluded that Christ the King is a Good Catholic school.
To view the full report, please click the link below:
Last term, we appointed 3 new Teaching Assistants, one of which joins us as our third trainee apprentice Teaching Assistant. We are delighted to have them join the team.
We also said goodbye to all of our Year 11 students who have worked hard and have all secured placements for their next stages in education. Our students completed qualifications in ASDAN, ASDAN Science, Step up English, Entry Level Maths and Unit Award Technology, to name but a few. These courses equipped our students with vital skills and knowledge to set them up for their forthcoming college courses and life after school.
Finally, a reminder that we run termly coffee mornings and fortnightly drop-in sessions to give our parents an opportunity to meet our inclusion team and have discussions around our SEND provision. If you are interested in joining us for any of these then, please email Katie Hoole at KHoole@christtheking.notts.sch.uk. More information about these events is provided on our website.
We have recently welcomed a new LRC Manager to CTK – Ms Robinson. She has a great vision for the LRC, and we need your help to fulfil it!
For her to re-catalogue the library, we need students to return all their library books – they can return them directly to the returns box in the library.
You can also donate any books you no longer need to our LRC. If you have any good quality junior or young adult fiction at home you’d like to donate, we’d love to take it off your hands. They can be donated directly to Ms Robinson.
We appreciate your support!
At Christ the King, we feel that it is important to support parents and carers to know how they can protect their children, where to find help and raise concerns if necessary.
To support the knowledge, information and skills that are taught in Personal Development and across the curriculum to our students, we would also like to support parents and carers with information, advice and guidance on a range of safeguarding topics, in what is an ever-changing and hard to navigate area.
This is particularly true with regard to understanding the online risks that children may be vulnerable to and also how to keep them safe.
In order to do this, we will joining The National Online Safety #WakeUPWednesday campaign. You will receive regular updates on a range of topics, starting with ‘Money Muling’. This online safety guide profiles money muling, and highlights ways that trusted adults can help prevent young people from being drawn into this illegal activity.
We hope that you find the information supportive and useful.
On the 10th and 11th May 2023, Ofsted inspected our school, and we are proud to announce that Christ the King continues to be a ‘Good’ school.
Please find below the link to down the full Ofsted report, plus a document containing comments made by inspectors during their time here, alongside selected student and parent comments.
The School Council would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who donated school uniform for our pop-up uniform shop. Due to the success of this, the shop will now be open during the last week of each month for all students who want to swap an item of uniform. Please continue to support this by donating unwanted uniform.
Two of the hot topics of discussion in school are the toilets and the canteen. With this in mind, members of the School Council met with Aspens to discuss food provision as well as the CTK Site Manager to discuss toilets.
Both meetings were very productive, and solutions to some of the issues that have been raised with them were agreed.