CTK Partnership with Lumbira School in Malawi

In January 2023, Christ the King partnered with Lumbira Community School in Malawi.

In Malawi, there is a three-tier system of schools – boarding schools, day schools and community schools. On the lower end of the tier, funding for community schools is very low compared to the other schools, so as part of the partnership, CTK’s Culture Club organise fundraising events to help raise money, which has so far totalled £380. This translates to 380,000 Kwacha, which is a huge amount for Lumbira.

The events have so far included –

Fairtrade Fortnight – Culture Club organised a stall of Fairtrade products to sell to staff, raising around £30.

Culture Week – Alongside a cultural clothing non-uniform day, the Culture Club arranged a food stall in the dining room selling lots of different foods from cultures around the world. Culture Week was a very successful fundraising event, raising around £350.

Culture Club have also organised a letter writing exchange, where each form group wrote a letter to the students at Lumbira, to help build a connection between the two schools. If you would like to participate in a future letter exchange, please speak with the either Miss Nicholson, or the members of Culture Club.

CTK Staff have also donated books to be sent to Lumbira to build their library, and the next fundraising events will be focused on raising money to ship these books to the school. Culture Club will also have a food stall available at the next CTK Spring Fair.

From the hard work and fundraising, CTK have helped the Lumbira School purchase portable chairs, so students can work both inside the classroom and outside, as well as repairing the rain damaged roof.

We hope this partnership continues well into the future, and keep your eyes peeled to our Social Media to find out more about the next fundraising events.

Lumbira Gallery