Revision timetables are a great way to organise your childs revision into manageable chunks. By spacing out their revision, it’ll be much easier to tackle and keep track of how they’re doing.
Revision Planning
What are the benefits of planning their time?

- Focus and target the topics they need to revise
- See how much time they have before an exam
- See their planning and preparation
- Reduce anxiety
- Discourage cramming the night before an exam
- Make the most of their time
5 Reasons for Revision Timetables
Reason 1 – Clarity
A revision timetable (if designed correctly) shows students what they should be doing on every single day before your exams. This means they can start a study session right away, before wasting valuable time. It also allows them to continue to factor in things they enjoy doing, to break up the revision
Reason 2 – Accountability
A revision timetable can keep students accountable, as they pre-commit to set deadlines. These deadlines can create pressure to start working now; hence, they may not be able to meet all the other mini-deadlines on your schedule, if they don’t do anything today
Reason 3 – Security
The hap-hazard method of flipping through textbooks or randomly choosing a topic students will study from the table of contents won’t ensure that they are well prepared before their exams.
That’s where the magic of a study schedule comes in. By pre-planning what to do and when to do it, students can see on their calendar how much work they will be able to complete before their exams.
Reason 4 – Productivity
How much time could your child save, if they knew what to do and actually followed through?
By getting their time management sorted out early on, they can focus on studying effectively, rather than revising and trying to create a revision timetable simultaneously.
Reason 5 – Less Stress
If your child is aware of all the upcoming exams, class tests, and other assignments, they won’t have a nasty shock the day before their GCSE’s.
They won’t have to cram late at night, force-feeding their mind with lots of information while all they want is a good night’s sleep.
Be clear on areas to develop
The first step to starting your revision plan is to identify what your child’s areas of weakness are. What do they find most challenging in each subject. Once you both know these, they can start to fill in your timetable
Fill in the below template for each of their subjects, and they can discuss with your teacher if they’re feeling stuck.
Choose the right format for your child!
You can find a blank revision template below. You can adapt this template and make it work for your child – there is no right or wrong. You can also browse online for revision templates.
Be specific about what revision they will do, what topic and what revision method. Target weakest areas, and refer back to a tick list to make sure they are covering everything.