Mission Champions

We have always worked to encourage students to put their faith into action, and we have chosen to do this through the work of Mission Champions.

Each House group has chosen a focus for this missionary work and they are working with the Director of Catholic Life and their House Leaders to create opportunities for acts of charity, prayer and teaching so that we all know how we are called to respond to the challenge set by Christ to “Go, make disciples of all nations”.

House Projects

There are five houses within our school and each house has a house project:

Canterbury House

Focused on the environment. We should recycle for our future generations because if we don’t act now things will be too big to act in the later years.

Holywell House

Raise awareness of immigration and the struggles faced by people settling in our country.

Iona House

Raise awareness of the pressing issue of food poverty in our local community.

Lindisfarne House

Raise awareness and take action against Youth Homelessness.

Walsingham House

Raise awareness and provide support for local care homes