How it will work?
At the start of each term, we will issue each student with a new Knowledge Organiser. This contains all the knowledge that students will be learning in class and will be referred to throughout their lessons. By equipping our students with the core knowledge from each subject, and developing their revision techniques from a young age, this gives them a strong foundation of knowledge which will be built upon as they move into Year 9.
We will be asking students to spend 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, revising 3 subjects as directed by their homework timetable. The only exception to this is when they are asked to complete MyMaths work or undertake practical homework for creative subjects.
Teachers will direct students to learn certain parts of their knowledge organiser each week, and students will be informed of this via their Homework Planner. Regular retrieval practice will take place during lessons to allow teachers and students to reflect on how well core knowledge has been learnt. Teaching will then be adjusted based on the outcomes of the retrieval practice, ensuring that knowledge that requires further clarity to be re-taught.
How will I access the Knowledge Organiser?
There are two ways in which parents and students can access their knowledge organisers. Firstly, each student will be given a knowledge organiser folder. These will be added to every half term by all subjects. Additionally, all knowledge organisers along with support material will be placed on our website, ensuring that parents and students can always access the resources.
How will they be used for home learning?
Every student will be given an A4 exercise book in which they should complete the revision for all of their subjects. A third of a page for each subject should be completed and students can revise using the suggested techniques that they have been shown in class and by using the ‘Knowledge Organiser Guide’ located at the front of their Knowledge Organiser. These guides will be available for parents to view via the knowledge organiser section on our website. Knowledge organisers and workbooks will be used in lessons each day so it is vital that students bring them as part of their required equipment for school.
The revision techniques each student will be introduced to can be found here.
How to revise
We’ve put together a series of videos details what we have found to be the best revision techniques, including creating the optimal revision environment, scheduling in revision and a variety of memory and recall techniques.
Click here to see the videos.
How can parents support this process?
- Print off and display their home learning timetable
- Encourage and reward them for completing one hour of revision each night
- Test them along the way and ask them questions (all answers will be included in the knowledge organisers)
- Make sure they bring their workbook and folder to school each day
- Encourage your child to attempt different techniques for revising