Y6 Transition


As part of our programme to support Year 6 students with their transition to our school, we would like to invite your child to join us for two full days on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July 2023.

Induction Days

Monday 8th July 8.55am to 2.55pm

Tuesday 9th July 8.55am to 2.55pm

During these two days, all the students joining us in Year 7 in September will visit us at Christ the King to experience a range of lessons, have some time to meet staff and students as well as orientate themselves to the school. Students should arrive promptly at school for 8.55am.

Please ensure that students wear their current school uniform and bring a pencil case containing a pen, pencil and ruler. Students who require medication during the day should hand them in to a member of staff with an accompanying letter from home. Students should bring a packed lunch, a drink and a snack for break times on both days as food will not be available to buy from school. Free school meals will be provided for those students that currently receive a free school meal; please can you inform us if you would like us to provide a meal for both lunchtimes, if you meet this criteria.

Students who will be catching a school bus in September will be able to catch the school bus on the two induction days; please provide them with the correct bus fare and ensure that they know their travel arrangements for travelling to and from school on these days. If they are travelling by school bus or public transport, they will need to know which bus to catch, where and when to catch it and also how much bus fare they will need.

If you are planning on dropping your child at school and then collecting them at the end of the day, please do so at the designated times to avoid congestion with our current students.

Parents’ Information Meeting – Monday 8th July 3.30pm to 4.30pm

This meeting will be an opportunity for you to meet school staff and to receive information on a variety of issues, including what will happen on the first day of school in September and also information on school uniform and school buses. This meeting has been planned to start at 3.30pm, so that when you collect your child on Monday, you can then stay for the meeting if you wish. Please note that parking is limited, so if you wish to attend the meeting, please park with consideration for our neighbours in the surrounding area.

We would be grateful if you would confirm attendance for the two induction days and the Information Meeting by completing the online form: https://forms.office.com/e/b6JxsMYV0n

Please complete the forms below to support your child’s transition to Christ the King.

These forms are used to collect information regarding your child and their transition to Christ the King and will only be used for this purpose. We need the information collected here to enable us to manage this process effectively. The information is for internal use only and will be stored on our internal servers. This information will be kept in line with our data retention policy.

We will only use your contact details to share information with you that is relevant to this process.

If you have any concerns please contact us before you proceed.

Application Forms


A lot of people don’t apply for free school meals. That’s why we encourage all families to register regardless of whether they believe they may be eligible. If successful in registering your child for Free School Meals the school will receive additional funding to support their learning.

Free School Meals are however an important entitlement for those families who meet the criteria and it is astonishing to think that 300,000 children who are entitled to FSM don’t actually take advantage of them. There are systems in school to ensure that students who are in receipt of FSM are not identified by their peers. This is because all payments are credited directly onto the student’s personal account and for those children in receipt of FSM, this is done automatically. When they purchase a meal, they use their fingerprint in the same way as all other students.

Who is eligible?

All children aged 3 to 18 at nurseries or schools can get a free meal if parents meet any of the qualifying criteria laid out below:

    • Income Support
    • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
    • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
    • the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
    • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
    • Working Tax Credit run-on: paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
    • Universal Credit: if you apply on or after 1 April 2018, your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

    Applying for free school meals

We use Derbyshire County Council for verification of FSM eligibility. You will be asked a series of questions to ascertain your eligibility. This is very quick process which will only take a few minutes of your time. After you have applied for free school meals Derbyshire County Council will email you to let you know if your application has been processed and the outcome of the eligibility check. If you need to get in touch with the Free School Meals team please call 01629 536400 or 01629 536481.

If your child chooses not to eat school meals, but you know that you are eligible for FSM, even for what you may anticipate to be a short period of time, can we please encourage you to register as by doing so, you will be supporting our school to receive the additional funding. Schools will receive pupil premium of £1,000 from the government for each child eligible for free school meals which is used for additional teaching resources!

So that we know you have applied please also email studentservices@christtheking.notts.sch.uk . This will allow us to chase up any applications should we need to. If you have any questions please email us for assistance.

If you are in doubt about meeting the qualifying criteria we recommend you still apply here. This will confirm whether you do/don’t meet the criteria.

Instrumental Lessons on offer:

Woodwind Brass Strings Other(no  hire available)
Flute Trumpet/cornet Violin Piano
Clarinet French horn/Tenor horn Viola Singing
Oboe Trombone Cello Drumkit
Saxophone Euphonium/Baritone Double Bass
Bassoon Tuba Guitar
Bass Guitar

20-minute Lesson Fees:

Group Lessons (3 students) £50 per term

Shared Lesson (2 students) £75 per term

Single Lessons £150 per term

Instrument Hire £12 per term (if required)

You are able to sign up for a maximum of two lessons.

For School Bus Pass Applications please visit the appropriate link below.

Nottingham City Council resident

Tel: 0115 8765049

Email: transport.team@nottinghamcity.gov.uk

Web: https://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/information-for-residents/education-and-schools/travelling-to-school/school-transport-for-primary-and-secondary-school-children/

Nottinghamshire County Council resident:

Tel: 0300 500 80 80

Email: travel.assistance@nottsc.gov.uk

Web: http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/education/travel-to-schools/under-16-school-travel-assistance

School Uniform

School Uniforms details can be found here