CTK Care Charter Update
During each academic year, our sixth form students take part in the ‘CTK Care Charter’ where each students logs the hours that they volunteer within the school community.
The students lead on activities such as paired reading, delivering extra-curricular clubs, supporting students in lessons and mentoring students from younger year groups.
Rewards are given out at the end of each academic year based on the number of ‘logged’ hours that students undertake.
Students then use this information to support their applications for Universities, Higher-Level Apprenticeships or part time work during their studies.

Our sixth form students have also led a number of fundraising activities with the rest of the school, raising over £800 for Children in Need through events such as ‘Soak the Teacher’ and homemade bake sales.
To find out more about our Sixth Form enrichment opportunitues, take a look here.
With the help of their form tutors, our Year 13 students have recently submitted their UCAS and Higher-Level Apprenticeship applications. In recent weeks, students have had interviews at institutions such as Cambridge University and other Russell Group Universities. We are extremely proud of our sixth form students and wish them the best of luck in preparation for the next steps in their education.