Pentecost Term 2 – Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the final term of this academic year. This final half term is always a busy one for us as our Year 11 and Year 13 students complete their final exams. They are working incredibly hard. Our invigilators have been very impressed with their engagement. We know that they were very tired in the lead up to the half term. We hope they have had a good rest but also continued with their preparations.

Year 13 students have started their study leave. Their teachers continue to offer lessons following their normal timetable to support them in the lead up to each exam. Year 11 students are being supported with targeted revision sessions ahead of each exam. Students who do not engage positively with these sessions will be placed on study leave. Students are generally engaging very well in these sessions.

Year 10 students are also preparing for their first round of mock exams this half term, please support them with these preparations by checking that they are clear about what they need to do and how they should be doing it. They have been working with Year 11 students during tutor time this year to look at how to organise their revision and different revision techniques they can use. If you have any questions or concerns about how to support your child during the exams, please contact their tutor.

Jo Love