Super Curriculum

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Watch Icarus

on Netflix

Watch The English Game

The English Game
on Netflix

The Game Changers

The Game Changers
on Netflix

Watch The Last Dance

The Last Dance
on Netflix

Watch Supersize Me

Supersize Me
on Amazon Prime

Watch Over The Limit

Olympic Dreams of Russian Gold – Over the Limit
on BBC iPlayer

Watch The Good Bad Rugby

The Good, the Bad and the Rugby
on Youtube

Book Icon


Book Muscle Ladder

The Muscle Ladder
by Jeff Nippard

Book Talent

The Little Book of Talent
by Daniel Coyle

Book Sports Game

The Sports Gene
by David Epstein

Book Bounce

by Matthew Syed

Book Newspaper

UK Sports Articles

Headphones Icon


Listen Talk Sport


Listen 5live

BBC Radio 5 Live

Listen High

High Performance

Listen Overlap

The Overlap

Listen Tailenders

The Tailenders

Research Icon


Nutrition and Its Impact on Performance

Task – explore the role of macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) in an athlete’s diet.

Objective – research how diet influences energy levels, recovery, and overall performance.

Outcome – design a balanced diet plan for an athlete participating in a specific sport, explaining the role of the nutrients.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Techniques

Task – research common sports injuries (e.g. sprains, strains, and fractures) and the methods used for preventing and treating them.

Objective – identify strategies for injury prevention (warm-up, cool-down, stretching) and effective rehabilitation methods (RICE, physiotherapy)

Outcome – create a guide on preventing and recovering from common sports injuries

 Culture Influence on Sport Participation

Task – investigate how culture and society influence sports participation and preferences.

Objective – Examine how factors such as gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status. And media representation shape people’s engagement with sport.

Outcome – Write an essay comparing the sports culture in different countries or within different sports.

Lightbulb Icon


Cook your own high fibre breakfast – recipes here!

Create a poster for the extra-curricular clubs in P.E this term

Create a video tutorial demonstrating key skills in a sport of your choice (e.g. basketball shooting, football passing, table tennis serve)

Create an exercise log for you to track your physical activity (walking to school, PE lessons, clubs), set yourself fitness goals and reflect on how or why you did/didn’t achieve these

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