At Christ the King, we feel that it is important to support parents and carers to know how they can protect their children, where to find help and raise concerns if necessary.
To support the knowledge, information and skills that are taught in Personal Development and across the curriculum to our students, we would also like to support parents and carers with information, advice and guidance on a range of safeguarding topics, in what is an ever-changing and hard to navigate area.
This is particularly true with regard to understanding the online risks that children may be vulnerable to and also how to keep them safe.
In order to do this, we will joining The National Online Safety #WakeUPWednesday campaign. You will receive regular updates on a range of topics, starting with ‘Money Muling’. This online safety guide profiles money muling, and highlights ways that trusted adults can help prevent young people from being drawn into this illegal activity.
We hope that you find the information supportive and useful.