Religious Education

Curriculum Intent

In RE, our curriculum intent is:

Our curriculum will develop and deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith, other faith traditions and worldviews and their influence on the life of a believer. It will support them to understand themselves as unique and worthy which reflects the belief that we are all made in the image of God. This will encourage students to reflect spiritually and think ethically and theologically in order to give a personal response to questions of meaning and purpose which will enable them to become active and responsible citizens in a multicultural world.


Curriculum Plan

Year 7 To 13 RE Curriculum Plan


Student Learning Journey

RE Student Learning Journey


Exam Board Information

Key Stage 4

Eduqas GCSE Religious Studies: Route B Catholic Christianity and Judaism


Key Stage 5

Eduqas A Level Religious Studies with Option A: Christianity


Reading List

Key Stage 3 – 5

Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 Reading List


Key Stage 5 – A Level

A Level Christianity Reading List

A Level Ethics Reading List

A Level Philosophy Reading List


Films, Podcasts and TED Talks

Films, Podcasts and TED Talks


Online Courses

Free Online Courses


Career Links

There are many opportunities that would arise from undertaking RE at Key Stage 4 or Key Stage 5. RE allows you to broaden your knowledge of different cultures and religions, developing your knowledge and skills so that you are able to debate and share your views with other people in your class.

Many of our students go on to study a degree in Theology at University. This can then lead to them undertaking the following roles:




Youth Worker

Charity Worker


For further information on the possible careers linked to Religious Education, please speak to your RE teachers who have a wealth of experience in this area.


Subject Leader Information

Subject Leader: Mrs Rebecca Lewis
