Applying to University

Over the next few months you will be making a number of important decisions that will affect the future direction of your education and training. You will be deciding what you want to do after the Sixth Form and for many of you, this will be whether to go into Higher Education such as University or College.

These are very big decisions and it is important that you should attend open days, scrutinise websites and undertake a vast amount of research to identify what institution and course is best suited to you and your needs.

As a school and sixth form, our staff are here to support you with this process. Your form tutors have years of experience in supporting students with University or College applications, so please use their expertise whenever you need to!

At the end of Year 12, we will attend two university trips to local institutions where there will be a careers fair, and a chance for you to find out more information about life at University or College.  The more research that you do, the more informed the decision will be about your future after Sixth Form.

Below are links to two of the main websites which will help you in preparation for this decision: in new tab)(opens in new tab)