As part of our Safeguarding offer, Christ the King CVA and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Trust (OLoL CAMT) have a team of people who lead on safeguarding our students, they are our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs).
Christ the King’s DSLs are also the people who will support with any concerns raised around children’s health, wellbeing and safety, as described above. If you have a concern regarding the wellbeing, health, development, relationships or safety of a child, please use the contact details below.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) contact details:
Laura Bator (DSL Lead)
Alana Scott (Deputy DSL)
Steve Akers (OLOL ADSL)
Other Staff who have completed the DSL Training:
- Mr P Baxter
- Miss D Eddyshaw
- Mr N Reddington
Safeguarding hotline number for OLoL:
Tel: 01158550557. This will be diverted to our safeguarding team between 9am-3pm weekdays, and will send a voicemail to the safeguarding team outside of these times.
Robert Della-Spina (Trust Safeguarding Lead)
Tel: 0796120330
If you have any concerns you should, in the first instance, always contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or the Deputy Safeguarding Lead, about the safety of any of our students.
If you have any concerns about either the physical or emotional well-being of a Christ the King student, the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead will be contactable during school hours.
You should also report your safeguarding concerns directly to your local authority safeguarding team.
If you are a Nottinghamshire County resident, please call the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 0300 500 80 80 during working hours or call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546 out of working hours.
If you are a Nottingham City resident, please call Children and Families direct on 0115 876 4800. In an emergency call 999 and to report a crime call 101.