Safeguarding contacts

As part of our Safeguarding offer, Christ the King CVA and Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Trust (OLoL CAMT) have a team of people who lead on safeguarding our students, they are our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs). 

Christ the King’s DSLs are also the people who will support with any concerns raised around children’s health, wellbeing and safety, as described above. If you have a concern regarding the wellbeing, health, development, relationships or safety of a child, please use the contact details below.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) contact details:

Laura Bator (DSL Lead)

Alana Scott (Deputy DSL)

Steve Akers (OLOL ADSL)

Other Staff who have completed the DSL Training:

  • Mr P Baxter
  • Miss D Eddyshaw
  • Mr N Reddington

Safeguarding hotline number for OLoL:
Tel: 01158550557.    This will be diverted to our safeguarding team between 9am-3pm weekdays, and will send a voicemail to the safeguarding team outside of these times.

Robert Della-Spina (Trust Safeguarding Lead)
Tel: 0796120330

If you have any concerns you should, in the first instance, always contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or the Deputy Safeguarding Lead, about the safety of any of our students.

If you have any concerns about either the physical or emotional well-being of a Christ the King student, the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead will be contactable during school hours.

You should also report your safeguarding concerns directly to your local authority safeguarding team.

If you are a Nottinghamshire County resident, please call the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub 0300 500 80 80 during working hours or call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0300 456 4546 out of working hours.

If you are a Nottingham City resident, please call Children and Families direct on 0115 876 4800. In an emergency call 999 and to report a crime call 101.

When recruiting new staff, we believe at Christ the King CVA that it is essential that those involved in the process have the knowledge and expertise required to keep our children safe in this important role.  All members of the Senior Leader Team and many Governors undergo extensive ‘Safer Recruitment Training’ to ensure that when making appointments of new staff, they are able to provide the necessary levels of safety for our students.  Enhanced DBS checks are also carried out on all new members of staff to ensure that our students are kept safe at all times.

Once appointed, all staff must complete online Safeguarding training. The training covers many areas to equip staff with the knowledge and expertise they need to keep our students safe. The following list demonstrates the areas covered in the training, but is not exhaustive:

  • The different types of abuse
  • The possible indicators of abuse/how to spot it
  • What to do if a child wants to talk to you
  • Safeguarding and the law
  • Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Trafficking
  • Honour Based Violence (HBV), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Radicalisation and Extremism
  • Screening, Searching and Confiscation
  • Bullying
  • E-safety and Anti-bullying
  • Safe Internet Use
  • Cyberbullying
  • Sexting
  • Homophobic Bullying

We recognise that the landscape of child safety is constantly changing and that there are constant new ‘threats’ to the safety of our students. For this reason, we insist on our staff completing their training every year. Furthermore, all staff receive regular updates from the Designated Safeguarding Lead through email and staff meetings/INSET to ensure that we are constantly abreast of changes in the threats to our students.

In-line with expectations, confidential Child Protection files are kept in locked filing-cabinets in a secure location in school on each child of whom concerns have been raised. Electronic, password-protected files and logs are also kept to ensure that we have accurate records of events in the life of the students in our care, so that we can assist Social Services and the Police if need be.

We will actively share information with outside agencies to ensure that children are kept safe whilst maintaining the confidentiality of information in line with Data Protection expectations.

If a parent or carer wishes to make a complaint/allegation against a member of staff concerning a matter of Safeguarding/Child Protection, the Designated Safeguarding Lead (Ms Marissa Tyrrell) should be contacted immediately. Allegations against a member of staff will always be taken seriously and acted upon. The Local Authority Designated Officer (Terri Johnson) will always be contacted if a Child Protection or Safeguarding complaint is made against a member of staff. In the event that a complaint needs to be made against the Designated Safeguarding Lead, the Headteacher of the Academy (Miss Jo Love) should be contacted.

Each academic year, we run a rolling programme for all students within our school which focused on developing life skills that helps to ensure students remain safe, happy and healthy both in and out of school. ‘Personal Development’ lessons take place every half term, with six sessions in total per academic year. The timetable is collapsed during these sessions and staff lead sessions to our young people in their areas of strength. Students gain further information on the following topics:

  • Road Safety
  • Sexting
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Internet Safety
  • Physical Health and Diet
  • Anti-Bullying

The sessions are delivered to students in year groups and then they will be split further into house groups so that students have the chance to ask questions and take an active role within each one hour session.  All sessions have been carefully planned so that the content is at the correct level for each specific year group.

We will continue to deliver this rolling programme as the feedback from students and staff over the last years has been very positive. We also believe it is key for our school to develop our students into kind, caring and knowledgeable young people who leave Christ the King CVA with an ability to keep themselves safe in every environment that they may find themselves in.