Computer Science

Curriculum Intent

Computer Science is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real-world system.

It is an intensely creative subject that combines invention and excitement and can look at the natural world through a digital prism.

Course Content

Year 12
We study the characteristics of contemporary processors, input, output and storage devices. We investigate how computers can be used to solve problems and programs can be written to solve them. The types of software and different methodologies used to develop software are analysed, as well as computational thinking. We also look at how data is exchanged between different systems, standard algorithms and the use of algorithms to describe problems.

Year 13
Students look at how data is represented and stored within different structures, different algorithms that can be applied to these structures, NEA analysis of a problem and design of a solution, and the individual moral, social, ethical and cultural opportunities and risks of digital technology. We examine legislation surrounding the use of computers and ethical issues that may arise in the future from the use of computers. NEA work on developing a solution, testing and evaluation is completed.


Computer Systems
2hr 30min Exam

Algorithms and Programming
2hr 30min Exam

Practical Endorsement

Future Steps

Computer programmer, network manager, web designer, database controller, games designer, computing teacher.