
Curriculum Intent

In History, our intent is:

  • To create a broad and balanced knowledge and understanding of the history of Britain, set in the context of the wider world 
  • To provide knowledge on a variety of events/ people for students to analyse and build their own judgements using those facts as evidence whilst developing students’ ability to undertake historical enquiry by asking and answering questions
  • To provide a diversity rich curriculum with regular connections to the local context through the teaching of history at different scales and different depths and breadths
  • To know and understand a wide variety of historical experiences through a study of social, economic, religious and political histories 
  • To embed the secondary key concepts in history: causation and consequence, similarity and difference, change and continuity, significance, through a chronological study of the past

Course Overview

The Tudors 1485-1603
Year 1
Henry VII
Henry VIII

Year 2
The mid-Tudor crisis

France in Revolution 1774-1815
Year 1
Origins of the revolution
Experiments in Monarchy
The Terror

Year 2
The rise of Napoleon
The impact of Napoleon on France
The impact of Napoleon on Europe


2 examinations each worth 40%
Each exam is two and a half hours
Paper 1 features interpretations
Paper 2 features primary evidence

Non-examined assessment worth 20%
3,000-4,000 words
Based on independent research into social change in 19th Century Britain
Includes a visit to the University of Nottingham

Exam Board Information

AS and A-level History

  • 1C The Tudors: England 1485-1603
  • 2H France in Revolution, 1774-1815
  • NEA Social and Political Change in 19th Century Britain

Future Steps

  • A number of our students choose to continue their studies on to History degrees.
  • A highly regarded degree by employers.
  • Diverse range of careers including law, politics, journalism, education and heritage.